At the foot of a mountainous trail I stood,
trying to see as far as I could,
eager to know what lies ahead,
with some fear in my head.

Started my journey up the trail,
a sense of dissent that prevails.
Walking on the track afraid,
felt no one to my aid.

Belived myself and walked alone,
to a sense someone else felt the same.
Always believed that it was just a game,
where it is okay to fail.

Walking for miles there I stood,
At the apex; At the foot.
Gazing out as far as I could.

Many more people walk the trail,
all at the same place, yet so far away.
This is just a game, ‘The game of life’,
where it is okay to fail.

Hey There!

Myself Rishabh Goel, I am the author of all posts on this blog. I find Reinforcement Learning very interesting and decided to document my journey through a blog. Learning-by-teaching is a famous concept and it might just help someone along the way. Hope you found this blog helpful.

Feel free to contact me!